As I am sure you have been, I, too, have been following the progress and the reports about the COVID-19 Virus. Governor Mike DeWine issued an order preventing gatherings of over 100 people to help curtail the spread of the virus.
Mass and other religious services, such as funerals and weddings, were excluded from this order and are still permitted. As such, the Diocese has encouraged all parishes to maintain as regular a Mass schedule as possible for those who wish to gather for prayer.
However, the obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been dispensed for the weekends of March 14/15, March 21/22, and March 28/29. It is possible that this may be extended as conditions warrant.
The Mass is broadcast on Sunday at 6:00 a.m. on WJW-FOX (you could DVR). Radio station 1330 AM broadcasts the Mass on Sunday at 9:00 a.m., and 1260 AM at 10:30 a.m. Sunday. Also, the Diocese of Cleveland carries the homily as a YouTube video at, (search for TV Mass). EWTN broadcasts the Mass at 8:00 a.m. and Noon.
During this time our parish will maintain a normal liturgical schedule with some modifications. All Masses will take place without the distribution of the Precious Blood (the Whole Christ is received when receiving the host). We will also discontinue the handshake at the exchange of the Sign of Peace. Eucharistic Ministers have long sanitized their hands before the distribution of Communion and will continue this practice. They will now additionally sanitize their hands after distribution of Communion.
There will not be an offertory procession. The collection basket will not be passed, but there will be baskets where you can place your offering.
Although the Diocese of Cleveland has not forbidden receiving Communion on the tongue, many dioceses have. I discourage reception on the tongue and recommend if you really want to receive on the tongue that you receive from me. I say that just because I have distributed Communion for 50 years, distribute communion more frequently than Eucharistic Ministers, and probably only touch someone’s mouth once or twice a year.
Bulletins will not be handed out, but will be available as you exit the church.
Confirmation has been postponed by the Diocese of Cleveland until after Easter.
Stations of the Cross will be celebrated on Fridays at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The station books will be in church all day, so you may wish to pray the stations privately.
St. Anselm School and PSR will stop Monday, March 16, and students will be given work to do at home.
The Lenten Series on Tuesday afternoons and Wednesday evenings are both cancelled.
As this is a very fluid situation further directives from the Governor and the Diocese may change what I have written above. Other things may be cancelled or changed as it become prudent or necessary. We will keep you informed.
In the meantime, keep praying. Pray for those who are sick and pray for those who are affected because of the virus.